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Know the Truth. Speak the Truth. Defend the Truth.

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Under mind control a person sees themselves and the world through a filter, a coloured lens. But a tinted view of oneself and the world is an incorrect view of oneself and the world, and it is this artificial and false veil that a real teacher, a Truly enlightened being, is able to help remove, revealing what Truly is. This revealing of the real only occurs through speaking the Truth. It is the power and light of Truth that destroys the darkness of deception. It is only by speaking the Truth on this planet, at all times and in all places, and by defending Truth from the constant attack She is under, that the noise of evil's chaos can be silenced, and justice and divine order can be established in the human social system. That divine real order is Moral Law. When enough people speak the Truth to others, the overall consciousness of humanity can and will rise. When more and more people who have awoken use the power of their voice to speak the Truth on this planet to the masses who are under layers of mind control, then the future can and will be one of freedom from slavery and suffering. The future begins in the present moment.

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Those who know the Truth, who are conscious and awake, who are free from mind control, who are aligned with Prime Creator and Moral Law, and have realised and are expressing their sovereign birthright, have a Moral obligation to help others also come to this empowered level of consciousness. Those who are helping to enlighten others by speaking the Truth to them are doing the True Great Work, which is real service to Truth and Prime Creator. Truth leads one out from the darkness of ignorance and nescience, and a real teacher is one who has gone first and then shows the way forward. Real education is this process of enlightenment, taught by those who lovingly share their knowledge, their understanding, their realisation of the real.

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The illegitimate 'power' structure and control system of the satanic can only be destroyed and eliminated by the power of Truth. The world's population need to live their Natural sovereign status, and refuse to cooperate with satanists. Until evil is removed from this planet, freedom from slavery cannot be experienced by the species, and by all beings subjugated. Animals also need to be set free from their enslavement as a 'food source' for humans.

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Sovereignty is the Natural state of not being 'owned' and 'ruled' by any other being, or group of beings calling themselves 'government'. When one knows the Truth, one knows there can never be legitimacy to a 'masters' and 'slaves' social system, for one human can never legitimately have 'power' over another. Only when you say No to the 'master' mentality elitist psychopaths, who fraudulently claim to be your 'owners' and 'rulers', those false 'gods' who claim that it is they who decide which 'rights' you have and don't have, do you stop externalising your power to anyone outside of yourself, and, in doing so, reclaim your sovereignty.

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Enlightenment is knowing you are a sovereign being, a monarch, a single ruler, a one ruler within, who rules only the kingdom of oneself. Personal sovereignty is the state of consciousness in which one controls one's own thoughts, emotions and actions, and, by bringing them into unity, into non-contradiction, attains mastery of one's own consciousness. Unity consciousness, where one's thoughts, emotions and actions are aligned with one another, and when the being is aligned with Moral Law, is the state of consciousness of True Self-love, True Self-control, True Self-mastery, True Self-ownership and True Self-rulership.

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Real enlightenment means being conscious of what is Truly going on within you and around you. It is knowing the objective difference between Right and Wrong, and, through your free will, deliberately choosing Right action over Wrong action. To be enlightened is to not perform acts of violence upon others, and to not allow others to perform acts of violence upon yourself either.

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By allowing evil to take place and by ignoring it, you ensure more of it occurs. You fuel evil by standing down and ignoring it. Willful ignorance is the measure of a bad person.  

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Satanists want to keep the population suppressed and non-active, in a passive state of acceptance of everything, who never rebel or take action, but who just watch all the evil taking place, without lifting a finger to try to stop it. Such a sedated, apathetic and manipulated population, through their failure to take a stand against evil, are therefore guilty of being complicit in evil.

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Wisdom is action performed with Morality. Without Morality, without being aligned with Moral Law, action performed is folly, and leads only to further chaos. Action performed in alignment with Moral Law is the only way to save yourself from evil and suffering. Moral action is what will save the world's enslaved population. You don't need to have a 'belief' in something or have 'faith' in something to be saved. What you do need is to know the Truth and act on that knowledge. Only by knowing the Truth and acting upon it will you set yourself free from evil and suffering.

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The stench emanating from the satanically engineered control system is repulsive to anyone who has a functioning conscience. A soulful awareness of how sick the satanic system Truly is is almost totally absent, for most people's minds are being so assaulted by the stream of never-ending garbage being rammed into them from birth until death that 'life' for most reflects only a negatively programmed existence, and not the meaningful planetary experience it is meant to be. Caged humanity will inevitably sink further into the abyss of chaos unless it totally changes its direction and starts heading into the light of True knowledge and wisdom.

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People need to stop denying, ignoring, trying to 'justify' and making excuses for evil. Instead, people need to resist it and fight against it.

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People need to stop being in denial of the problem and face the Truth. Denial is like a person with their head in the sand. In order to bury your head in the sand you must first be on your knees with your arse in the air, ideally positioned to be fu*ked over.

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The first thing the population need to do is acknowledge the problem. People have been socially engineered to accept evil as the 'norm', and until people wake up from this mind control and realise they have been negatively programmed, nothing will improve on this planet. People need to wake up to the fact that evil is rampant, and those propagating it are systematically turning Earth into a hell.

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The population need to wake up and understand that there are 'master' mentality elitist psychopaths 'ruling' this planet. People need to wake up and realise they are under severe mind control, their egos are monstrous and many of their habits are disgusting. The population need to have a clear understanding of the problem, care enough to do something about it, and then actually do what is needed to solve it. Action is required.

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Satanists idolise the battle, and thus propagate and zealously encourage competition in society, where one ego competes against another to 'achieve' and reach the 'top'. But in a 'masters' and 'slaves' social system, the 'slaves' are always the losers, however much they delude themselves into believing otherwise.

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Satanists ridicule Truth speakers, who the whore media machine attempt to character assassinate and persecute for the 'crime' of daring to speak the Truth on this planet. Many have been murdered to 'silence' them.

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Satanists want to control human perceptions, of how the population view themselves and the world around them, and therefore limit what they may come to comprehend and understand, by editing out vast amounts of information from public circulation and by influencing and manipulating people to dismiss certain available information as unimportant, unnecessary, erroneous and dangerous to consider. In this way most of the population have only a few pieces of the jigsaw, with most of it being either hidden or overlooked. Unable to see the big picture, billions of humans thus live their lives within set parameters, a restricted perceptual view, an extremely narrow vision of what exists, and what does not, and of what is possible, and what is not.

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A dumbed down sheeple population quickly descends, through malevolent social engineering, into a society of semiconscious degenerates, a population of puppets and golems, who worship money and 'celebrities', and who are obsessed with and addicted to television, electronic gadgetry, the mind-numbing social media 'culture', 'sports', sexual conquest, junk 'food' and an insatiable need to be 'entertained' with cheap 'thrills', with zero care for what is Right {Moral}. As billions of golemised humans gorge themselves on a 'product' designed to keep them distracted, the satanists manifest, step by step, the Orwellian state, unchallenged. A sheeple population are in this way herded down a path that leads further into hell. It is a society of sheep, with a 'government' of wolves.  

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The satanic dark occultists cast their insidious spell over the people, who are mesmerised by endless and mindless 'entertainment', which keeps the sheeple occupied and misdirected. While the sheeple population are glued to the television {tell a vision} they eagerly absorb the programmes which are inserted into their minds, which embed the satanic ideology, the perverted 'vision', the satanists want the population aligned with.

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Human nature is that humans are programmable. The satanic social engineers know this and take full advantage of this fact by filling the minds of the population with as much garbage as possible, particularly through television. If garbage is what is being programmed into the population, then garbage is what will come out from people, in the form of all the crap observed in their behaviour in the world. This resultant stench within society is the human condition.

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Satanists will overtly often claim to be 'religious', while simultaneously propagating and peddling the satanic ideology, which opposes Prime Creator and Moral Law. Within society they make their appearances in their 'churches', but 'devote' their efforts into manifesting hell on Earth for billions of humans, who are enslaved in the abomination and darkness of the satanic control system.

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Many satanists in positions of 'authority' on this planet know that extraterrestrial and other-dimensional intelligences are visiting and interacting with Earth, but this knowledge is kept secret and the world's population kept in a state of nescience or ignorance of the Truth. Those within the population who are having direct contact with extraterrestrial or other-dimensional intelligences, or comprehend their existence, are targeted by satanists, who bombard and assault them with monumental lies, deception, misinformation, disinformation and propaganda, designed to mislead, misdirect and confuse. Satanists are terrified of 'their' 'slaves' interacting with benevolent extraterrestrial and other-dimensional intelligences, for contact with such beings would assist enlightenment, which satanists do not want to take place.

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Satanists propagate the ludicrous and retarded notion that only Earth has intelligent life. The trillions of stars with their trillions of planets are all empty, the satanic programmers claim, and the hordes of infected 'believers' rejoice in this utter drivel, such is the severity of their delusion and blatant mind control, and such is the monstrous ego of these chronically mentally ill delusionists, for even with all their abominable behaviours and disgusting habits they imagine themselves God's gift to the universe.

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Mind controlled humans believe what is not True, and refuse to accept what is True. The result of this delusion, denial and blatant ignorance is the continuation and spread of evil on this planet and the attracting to oneself and others of further suffering. Cause and effect.

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Satanists zealously propagate false religion, wherein Truth is replaced with blind, unfounded and illogical 'beliefs' and 'faith', designed to keep the mind in a prison. Satanists hate Truth and thus encourage the masses to believe in anything but that which is actually True. Exoteric false religion is used as a mass brainwashing tool, a vehicle through which lies and deception are spread to billions of humans to mislead and misdirect. The world's population, caged in falsity, thus believe the opposite of what is True and therefore fail to pay attention to what is actually important. Instead of fighting against all the blatant evil in the world, false religionists ignore it, and instead spend their time 'praying' and 'worshipping', mainly through fear of 'retribution' if they don't, with the intention of running off to 'heaven'. By thus standing down from taking real positive action in the world, by turning their backs on all the abuse, injustice, Immorality and suffering of so many, the false religionists thus condone evil through their total inaction.

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Satanists are hypocrites, for they hide behind secrecy and 'security classification' themselves, while at the same time demanding the 'citizens' are 'transparent'. As privacy is thus being systematically destroyed for the population, under the pretext of 'fighting terrorism', secrecy increases for the satanic elitists, who are the real terrorists.

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Satanists use their 'problem-reaction-solution' technique to achieve many of their insidious goals. It is a system of manipulation they use to get public support for an atrocity they wish to engage in, an atrocity they know would possibly get resistance from some of 'their' country's population, who may be outraged by their actions. Satanists first of all create a 'problem' by planning, financing and executing a 'terrorist attack' upon 'their' 'own' 'citizens', which they then blame on somebody else. The fear-infested population then react to this 'problem' with outrage and demand the 'authorities' 'protect' them and retaliate against the 'enemy' who is 'attacking' them. In this way the satanic elitists get the support of a deceived population to go and invade, rape and pillage another country, for example, which they claim is the 'solution' to the 'problem', so as to get their bloodstained hands on the oil, which was the goal all along. Satanists thus get what they want, while the angry mob of 'patriots' cheer them on in their atrocities. As they cheer on their 'heroes', the satanic 'elite' laugh at them and mock their stupidity and gullibility.

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Satanists are deeply involved in paedophilia and child abuse, trafficking, abusing, raping, mutilating, torturing and murdering vast numbers of children every year on this planet. There are many skeletons buried and a mountain of ash, both remnants of those sacrificed to satisfy the sadistic, sick and perverse desires of psychopaths. These child abusers act with impunity, for they include 'royalty', religious 'representatives', 'politicians', police, 'security forces', military, media barons, 'judges', 'lawyers', pop stars, actors and all other elements within the satanic collective, all supporting one another, for they are all part of 'the club'. The very people whom the public believe to be their 'authorities' and 'idols' are engaged in some of the most abominable acts of atrocity imaginable, and are being allowed to get away with it, both by a corrupt 'legal' system and a public in denial.

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Satanists protect one another by covering up many of their abuses. Even when cover ups are exposed to the public, the satanic 'authorities' 'know' the population are powerless to challenge them. To further reinforce their apparent autocracy, the satanic psychopaths have legions of police and military in place to protect them and their dictatorship, for such police and military are Immoral 'order' followers, who will eagerly and enthusiastically 'obey' any 'commands' coming from the mouths of their 'authorities', however evil those 'commands' are. These police and military puppets will gleefully bully, intimidate, torture, mutilate, rape and murder, if their 'masters' tell them to.

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Satanists vomit out more and more 'laws', which are designed to limit the freedom of the population. The satanic 'authorities' are exempt from having to follow such 'laws' themselves, and openly flaunt their immunity from prosecution. The 'legal' system is designed to protect the satanic, ensuring they can do whatever atrocities they want, without penalty. With 'judges', 'barristers', 'lawyers' and 'politicians' aligned with the satanic ideology and agendas, the atrocities committed by themselves and fellow satanists go unchecked and unchallenged, while the population are ruthlessly punished for even the most minor violation of their man-made and unjust 'laws'. It is one 'law' for the satanists, and a completely different 'law' for the rest of the population.

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Satanists believe they, not Prime Creator, are the 'lawmakers', the 'autocrats', who are the supreme 'authority' in existence. They believe they are somehow 'qualified' to decide what 'rights' the living being possesses, and what will be the standard for their 'morality' at any given time. Their monumental and monstrous egos thus imagine they can usurp Prime Creator and become 'gods', 'reigning' in their insidious and perverse 'kingdoms'. Instead of serving in heaven, or living in alignment with Prime Creator and Moral Law, satanists desire to 'reign' in prison, where they overlord a controlled, subjugated and suppressed population, who are imprisoned through the malevolent social engineering programmes imposed upon them by the new 'gods' upon the Earth.

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Satanists adore 'politics'. Satanists place other satanists into positions of 'power' on this planet. Such malevolent 'politicians' have zero intention of being for the people, and every intention of pushing forward the satanic agendas. 'Voting' by the people is a delusion, designed to give the population only an imagined 'power'. As the forked tongues of the satanic move, lie after lie pour forth. What they say, they do not mean, and what they mean, they do not say. They play with words and with other's minds, spinning their propaganda in alignment with their insidious agendas, always misdirecting and misleading the population with every word. The disease that worms through their minds is evident through their verbal diarrhoea, which pours from them like an avalanche of toxic waste, contaminating and poisoning.

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Satanists believe in 'authoritarian' 'government'. This is the belief that one human being, or a group of human beings, can have 'power' over another or others. It is the belief that a group of 'master' mentality elitist psychopaths somehow magically possess the 'right' to bully, through threat of violence, the rest of the population, making them dance like puppets to the whims of the satanic puppet 'masters'. Hordes of golems, wearing their police and military uniforms full of satanic symbology, fully align with this insidious ideology, for their diseased minds and malfunctioning brains eagerly embrace the opportunity to overpower others and make them submit to the dictates of psychopaths.

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Satanists invent, develop and promote destructive technologies, which poison the Earth and tighten the chains on the world's population. Even when clean, free energy technologies exist, such technologies are kept hidden from the population, who are kept dependent on oil and other 'fuels'. In this way the satanic 'rulers' of the world ensure that the population remain in financial bondage and servitude, as they are denied the technologies that would help free them, for freedom is the very opposite of what these satanists want for the people. As the Earth is thus raped and plundered by the satanic, who claim the oil, coal and gas 'belong' to them to 'sell', a dumbed down and apathetic population allow this abuse to take place.

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Satanists build vast underground bases, from where they covertly develop technologies, genetically experiment on the countless number of people who 'disappear' every year, and plot their next moves in their insidious social engineering agenda. With totalitarianism on their diseased and toxic minds, the satanic Fourth Reich push forward their world domination agenda and the total physical and mental enslavement of humanity.

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Satanists are parasites, who feed off the population, whom they view as a 'human resource', something to be exploited and abused. The world's population, seen as nothing more than an enslaved 'energy source', who exist to do the bidding of the elitist psychopaths, are dumbed down so that they remain complicit in the evil perpetrated by the puppet 'masters'.

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Satanists 'own' most of the 'wealth' on planet Earth, which they control with a fanatical zeal, and mockingly watch as the population squabble over what remains. As the psychopathic elitists at the 'top' live in overwhelming opulence, billions of people are enslaved in financial servitude, with little hope of rising from the abyss of near or total destitution. While the 'elite' gorge themselves at the expense of others, millions of people suffer hunger and die from starvation, such is the selfishness, greed and inequality so cherished by the satanic.

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Satanists are obsessed with control, domination, war, conquest, greed and chaos, in bullying, intimidating and enslaving others, and in creating fear in the minds of the oppressed and suppressed sheeple population. Satanists want a submissive and obedient population, who are easily controlled. Satanists are thus terrorists, whom a subservient, subjugated and weak population allow to manifest chaos on this planet. These satanic psychopaths not only want to terrorise Earth, but they also plan to terrorise space, and all life. Satanists desire to invade space and battle any extraterrestrial intelligences who will not submit to their dictatorship.

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The ultimate goal of the satanic collective is to manifest a totalitarian, cashless society, with a one world 'government' and a microchipped population, who are 'plugged in' directly to the satanic 'mainframe', from where they are internally programmed. Satanists want a population of cyborgs, and this process of turning humans into robots is well underway with the increasing obsession people have with electronic technology. For the satanic programmers, microchipping the world's population would secure total mind control, for they are aware that some are not assimilating the programme as they can clearly see the insidious agenda, and the satanists cannot tolerate this fact. The population are thus being 'groomed' by those propagating internal implants and the transhumanist agenda to fully surrender their minds and bodies to the control of psychopaths.

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The satanic collective include the military-industrial complex, cabals, cartels, the New World 'Order' {which is nothing but the Old World Disorder, for it is the age-long regime of chaos, which has been in operation for thousands of years}, covert and overt 'governments', 'politics', 'royalty', financial elitists {banksters}, 'security forces', black ops, police, multinational corporations, pharmaceutical companies, 'education', exoteric religions and secret societies. Satanists are everywhere, pushing their malevolent agendas throughout the world.

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